Monday, February 19, 2007

CBS 60 minutes - Kurdistan strives for autonomy

An interesting report was sent on CBS 60 minutes – Kurdistan strives for autonomy.

A fact is stated again, no American soldier has yet died in Kurdistan and the reporter is walking freely in Hawler and is feeling pretty secure. They also mention that Kurdistan has a 170 000 men Peshmerga army...

CBS 60 minutes - Kurdistan strives for autonomy

The secure situation is a fact. We had a Swedish colleague here until some days ago that worked here. He was moving around by him self without any problem and also talked a little bit Kurdish. That was necessary since the English language is not the second language yet in practice.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your experience

Unknown said...

I am hoping that Kurdistan will, one day, be reunited. The Kurdish people have long suffered and it is time they be given their due. I know, I was in Kurdistan for 2 1/2 years and got to know many of the people and did get to see a lot of the country.

Alas, there have been coalition deaths in the Kurdish regions resulting from hostile fire. Again, I know this for fact. Two of my friends were killed in Mosul while on patrol. However, these are few and very far between. I applaud the Pehsmerga for their attention and their tenacity in preventing what could happen. My hat is off to you all.

I wish you the best and I hope to return to Kurdistan in the future with my Kurdish wife and see more of the beauty that is Kurdistan.