Sunday, August 19, 2007


I am now in Amed. I am not here in work so i have been checking out some historic places and other projects in this very modern and nice capital town of Northern Kurdistan. It is a great pleasure to bee here.

After my South Africa combined work and vacation i traveled back to Sweden. The one week work in Durban was very successful as already explained. Beside of this there are other plans for cooperation with South Africa ın the aspect of student exchange since South Africa is a very modern country wıth great possibilities.

The two week vacation was nice also. I finished the PADI rescue diver training and rented a car and did some great dives around all South Africa. The greatest was with 3-4 meter long tiger sharks and there were 40 of them. The seal dives was also pretty nice but the super-hyped Suduana national park was too boring and a way too long driving for getting bored.

After South Africa i went back to Sweden just because i booked the ticket like that. After a couple of days i traveled back to South Kurdistan with arrival in Hewler in 6:th August. After 10 days of work i took the road way to Amed.

My work in South Kurdistan has been completed now. The pilot projects has been successful and the different projects has been built and performed successfully. A plan for future work has been put ın work. A staff have been trained to complete the rest of the projects with the same great result. Plans has been conducted for the coming projects and orders for equipment has been made also. The projects are more than those mentioned here and discussions with international cooperation partners for the free radio station project has been successful also, amongst others.

So with these words the completion of Kurdishwaves for now...


S.A.M said...

You've got some great pictures of South and North Kurdistan!

Quite cool what you're doing.. Though please update the blog even though the internet connection from Kurdistan aint the best!

Kurdish Waves said...

Thank you Soma for your appreciation and feedback.

Unfortunately I am not working in Kurdistan anymore or else i would have updated it for sure.

You have a nice blog with good texts also.

Good luck!

S.A.M said...

ah I see, well I wish u the best with whatever your doin now :). Hope Kurdistan gave u some fantastic memories.