Since my last post I have been very busy. I was with our guest with Germany which was an important issue which led to a huge gap in my work with the Dubai equipment lists and the other technical work that is very intensive now. It is the starting phase for some new projects with partly high tech and very interesting and exciting goals.
Here are some pictures from two last days with our guest from Germany. After that I was in Kirkuk and Slemani. I arrived back to Hewler this morning 9 o clock from Slemani. at our way we stopped by in Kirkuk to and left some equipment, among others DV cams and other recording equipment. There is going to be a film festival there and a team is going to make a contribution for the 140 article which handles the referendum and future of Kirkuk.
The last day with our guest we were at a very special place in Kurdistan that beats many other places like the incredible Bekhal spring and huge Geli Ali Beg that you were in my first post.
I also apologize that the frequency of my posts are decreasing but as long as you do not write me any posts i am not aware of what you think. This beside of the Google analytics statistics on my blog which indeed are interesting. Comments and feedback are appreciated. Besides the reason in decreasing in the blog update is a huge load of work in general but especially right now.


Sefin mountain

Mr Germany inspecting the site the old school way

My favorite, waterfalls

Bekhal spring

A tourist village in Rwaduz. Built by an former communist. Way you go buddy.

Kurdistan in spring

Clear blue water. This was at the foot of the mountain.

You could travel up all the way to the spring it self. You travel this way up with special 4
WD jeeps. Of
cource you can go with your car but is it worth it?

Pretty close to the edge sometimes, and pretty good height also.


Just look at this incredible view. A labyrinth...

The spring it self. It do not look as impressive as seeing it in real life. Imagine that the stairs to the left have a height of 1 meter for each step
aproximately. It beats
Bekhal spring big time and
Bekhal is really impressive and big.

A "
Haji" by name at least that had been wandering in the mountains and had collected some nice stuff that he did not want to share. There is a lot of nice and exclusive vegetables in the Kurdish mountains right now since it is spring. All of it is growing in the incredible nature of Kurdistan and this is a source for Kurdish village
inhabitans and for gourmet chefs. A
haji is an honorable title for somebody that has been wandering to
Mecka for the pilgrim travel. I do not think this
haji could have afforded such a travel though.
The high mountain behind the man is the border of Eastern Kurdistan (Kurdistan Iran). So cloe but so far away.

A former village that has been built up after the
kurdish uprising -91. Since that was a special sensitive town since it is close to Easter Kurdistan "border" the village was completely demolished during the
Anfal campaing and the inhabitants were put out to the genocide of the Kurds.

mountaing pass that you travel through on you way down.
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