There has been a new bomb in South Kurdistan today. This time in Makhmur. The bomb exploded during a big meeting outside of the city hall and the nearbying local KDP office branch 23. At this time 32-35 persons has been killed and 120 people are injured, as reported, in this act of terrorism.
The Mayor of Makhmur and the local national hero Abdulrahman Belaf was hit in the explosion and is injured. He gave anyway an interview to TV and radio regarding the terrorist attack.
Makhmur is today not under Kurdistan Regional Government administration.

This is a picture with Fredrik Malm and the mayor Abdulrahman Belaf. This picture was taken 2007-04-03 during Fredrik Malms visit to Kurdistan. Fredrik Malm is memeber of the parliament in Sweden and is a true friend of the Kurds.

The mayor on TV after the terrorist attack. He said: "...fortunately the democratic process and work will not stop with this terrorist attack. And there are thousands of Abdul Rahman Belaf to replace the first Abdul Rahman [meaning himself]. Our work will never stop."

The mayor of Mekhmur here seen with a girl and her father in Makhmur refugee camp.
These pictures below are from the emergency in Hewler after the terrorist attack.

Today 2007-05-13 at 11.25 o clock a truck, coverd as a truck loaded with metal for construction work, exploded between the city hall and the local KDP office branch 23. It was an suicide attack and the truck exploded when it was close to the KDP office.
The explosion was so powerful that 100 cars has been blown out around the explosion.
There has been appeal from the minister for care that the people shall not load the care institutions and the care personell. This so they can do their job better. But it seems not unresonable that relatives want to know what has happened or to be close to the hurted.
There are huge mass of people seeking towards where help is needed to provide help in which way it may be. The democratic work will never stop in Kurdistan . It has not been stopped in history and will never be stopped in future... This is very obvious here in Kurdistan.

The scene of the terrorist action. Special Kurdish peshmerga forces.