Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What is happening

In my last post i talked shortly about the Kirkuk citadel which is very impressing but i did not mention the most interesting part the underground tunnels. They are howev er blocked for some reason probably because of security. We entered as far as it was possible and i will uipload pictures when i can. It is not so much fun. I will also upload a picture of the book that i have got the information from.

Lately i have bought some special studio furniture in Hewler. I tansported them to Kirkuk, from there i have bought building material too build a secondary studio in the first radio station. With competent personell i travelled to the first radio station and on the way in Slemani a bought some more special building material and electrical supply. Whave been working on the second studio for a day now.

The reason for the travels is that in some cities you can not find what you need or it may be cheeper in another city. Transport is cheap here so there are a couple of ways to turn things around. But sometimes you do not have any choice and have to do things the hard way.

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